About us

Hello, my name is Ashley Rivera and together with my husband Manuel Soler, we are the creators of Crafts & Sweet Creations. We focus on creating wonders in resin and giving it a unique and special touch as each of you deserve. I share a little of my story with you. Believe it or not, I started making cakes. By 2018, after Hurricane María, I started working on different crafts until I made resin cups. That's where it grew my love for this field. I made several cups for family and friends and that was how we became known little by little. By 2019, at the end of my first pregnancy, my husband and I made the decision to take our business further and see it as more than a hobby, an economical entry which would allow me to enjoy the stages of my little one. The moment that was marked for us was when we made a glass for Raphy Pina which was delivered by my husband in Palomino and with his total support, what is today Crafts & Sweet Creations emerged. Thanks to God we have had the opportunity to make cups for various famous artists like Natti Natasha, Daddy Yankee and many more. I hope this space is enjoyable for all of you.
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